Since the official launch of LANDBOSS, we have had many requests for the ability to take the data from the system they currently use and easily get it into LANDBOSS. A reasonable request, to be sure. While this feature had been planned since way back it unfortunately didn't get implemented in time for launch. Even though it was not implemented, we have always been open to do custom work for a customer to import their data. During our open beta we did, in fact, do a custom import job for a beta tester so he could better see how the application would handle. However, even with this promise people still want the ability to import their own data, and so a publicly-available import system remained high on our TODO list.
Version 1.01 was focused on critical improvements that we had identified, but with those out of the way we began work last week on the long journey of bringing a robust import system to the masses. We identified at least 3 pages we needed: for parties, tracts, and leases. Today I finished the "rough draft" of the party importer. It's still very much a work in progress and is undergoing testing as I write this (David has already poked some holes in it), but I thought I'd at least let you look at how it will probably look. Enjoy!