The Make Forms feature in Landboss is a powerful feature that allows you to quickly generate lease documents like offer letters, lease agreements, and more, with just a few clicks. With some modifications, your existing document templates can be used in Landboss because it uses the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word to merge the information you entered in Landboss into your document templates.
Initial Setup
Before the Make Forms feature can be used, you will need to modify or create your document templates. We have an extensive help document that covers doing that and since each account has free unlimited online support, our support staff is available to help whether your are setting up templates within a few weeks of starting your account or a few years.
Once your templates are setup, you can use them over and over with just a few clicks.
Generating Your Documents
You can have multiple templates for each form type in Landboss, so the first step to generate forms for a lease is to pick which form templates you'd like to use. This can also be done automatically if you use the Lease Templates feature in Landboss, but that's a topic for another day. Today we're going to generate an offer letter to be included in a lease packet for a ficitonal mineral owner named Brittany Michaels. The lease contract and any other document for the packet can be generated at the same time, but we're going to focus on just the offer letter to keep things simple. Below is our starting template.

You can see that Landboss has several fields available for use in your form templates. To merge Brittany's lease details into the form, we go to the Forms tab of her lease and make sure our offer letter template is selected for the Offer Letter category. I've named the template Sample Offer Letter. Very original, I know.

The next step is to click the Make lease forms for this lease link below the combo boxes which will open a window where we can select the forms to generate. We can either click the Select All link or just check the Offer Letter checkbox, then click the green Make Forms button. Notice the Overwrite any Previously Generated Forms checkbox next to the button. As I mentioned before, the genreated documents are automatically saved to the Documents tab for the lease and if you leave that checkbox checked those will be overwritten each time you generate the documents. Since you will typcially only re-generate the documents when fixing a mistake, Landboss checks that box for your by default.

It only take a few seconds for Landboss to generate your forms and then the appropriate download links on the right will activate and you will be able to either download all of the generated documents at once or one at a time. In this case, we only have one to download so it doesn't matter which link we click.

The generated offer letter includes information that was entered about Brittany, the minerals that she owns, the terms of the lease agreement, as well as the information about the landman. If you need to download the document again later, or if maybe sometime in the future you need to see what was sent to her, you can download it again from the Documents tab. Once she has returned the signed lease, you can digitize it and upload it to the Documents tab to store alongside the generated lease documents so you have a complete document record.
That's it! Just a few seconds and a few clicks and you are ready to stuff an envelope, or send an email, and move on to the next lease.
Work Efficiently With Landboss
The industry is very competitive, especially these days, and in order to compete you need to be able to work quickly and efficiently. Some of your competitors are manually creating their offer letters and lease contracts and some of your competitors are using mail merge to generate their documents but they are having to re-enter the information into their land management system as part of the process or save/upload the final documents to their document library. With Landboss, the information is entered once and the merged documents are automatically saved for you. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.