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Upcoming Release - Landboss v1.02

Today LANDBOSS version 1.02 entered the QA (Quality Assurance) phase, with a tentative release date of 12/4/2009. Version 1.02 contains far more than 1.01 did, hence the reason it took longer to finish. Here are the major highlights of this release:

  • Import/Export functionality for Parties, Tracts, and Leases
  • Bulk timesheet printing
  • Quick search of Parties, Tracts, and Leases
  • A completely redesigned sub-nav bar
  • A unified "Notification Bar" for displaying events that we do automatically that you might have missed
  • A new lease banner, with the ability to set the lease status from every lease page
  • Tons of error fixes, visual improvements, and many, many other small changes

Many of these have been covered in feature previews so I won't discuss them in detail here. The team will be testing and polishing up until release time, and I'll make another post with the full release notes once it's out. Looking further into the future, version 1.03 will bring much-needed changes and the re-launch of the chain of title page. After that version 1.10 will include our GIS mapping module. We hope to have 1.03 ready by the new year, and 1.10 ready for NAPE. Tanoshinde kudasai.