Today LANDBOSS version 1.03 was released. The major focus of this release was the re-design of the chain of title page. The list of new additions is smaller than 1.02, but more attention was paid on improving existing features. Our next version (1.10) should bring very major changes that many of you have been waiting for. So, without further delay, here are the full release notes for 1.03:
New Features
- Added a "Lease Activity Dashboard" that displays the recent activities that can filter by activity type, prospect, user, and date.
- The chain of title page has been re-released with many many changes to make it easier to use.
- Added a "Notes" field to parties (companies and individuals).
- Added the ability to apply a lease template from the banner that is shown on all lease pages.
- The prospect dashboard has been redesigned to give a better visual flow, show more relevant information, and reduce irrelevant information. A placeholder for the mapping component of this page has been added but will not be functional until v1.10.
- Added the ability to reset search fields on the "Make Lease Forms" page.
- A subtle warning has been added to the tract ownership page when the total mineral interest exceeds 1.0.
- A loading mask has been added to all pages that is hidden once page rendering completes. This should reduce or eliminate page controls "jumping" on browsers with slower javascript engines (IE).
Errors Fixed
- Minor styling fixes to the "Add Tract" window on the lease info page.
- Fixed a styling issue with the "Last Modified" labels at the bottom of many pages.
- Fixed styling issues related to timesheet pages when showing a notification of multiple bill/pay rates.
- Fixed a minor issue where certain non-functional parts of controls would display on the user info page as a non-admin user for admin user info controls.
- Fixed the company info page where validation errors relating to the logo image upload were not being displayed.
- The "Add Existing Tracts" window on the lease info page now only shows lessor tracts in the current prospect so a lease cannot span different prospects.
- Improved a confusing error message when trying to upload a duplicate file to a tract instrument/owner.
- HOTFIX - Fixed a javascript error on bill/mileage/day rate pages (IE only).
- Fixed an error when trying to edit a user with higher security permissions than the current user.
- Fixed the invoice generation page's invoice date field that would sometimes see valid dates as invalid.
- Fixed an error where adding a new line item to an invoice would not update the total amount immediately (it would be updated after the next page load).
- Fixed an issue where validation messages would not display properly when the page had scrollable components.
- Fixed a javascript error when saving timesheet entries on the timesheet edit page when not in approval mode.
- Fixed some problems when sorting on the unapproved users timesheet page.
Other Changes
- The "Show Inactive" button on the prospect list pages has been changed to a checkbox.
- Lease documents created by form generation are given a default description so they can be identified more easily.
- The Tract # field on the "Make Lease Forms" page is now a drop down list instead of a text box.
- A lease will no longer be set to status "Signed - Paid" based on whether the tracts are considered "title complete."