LANDBOSS v1.03.1 Released
Errors Fixed
- When tract owners are added automatically when saving a lease, the owners are all placed in a single notification to keep the notification bars from hiding each other.
- Fixed an error where save buttons would be disabled after switching legal description types on tract info page under certain conditions.
- Minor styling fixes to validation error panels.
- Minor styling/text changes to import pages.
- Fixed an error where users with the same name would cause problems for the timesheet search page.
- Clicking a lease on the tract leases page will go to the lease overview page as intended, not the lease info page.
- Fixed the tract ownership page record pointer to re-sync position after showing/hiding the help message.
- Fixed a problem with lease package generation download prompting the IE security bar.
- Fixed an error when generating lease packages under certain conditions.
- Fixed minor issues with the select/unselect all link on the lease package generation page.
- Fixed an issue with plat images when used in the lease package.
- Fixed an error where company name text would not display on printed invoice if no company logo had been uploaded.
- Fixed certain conditions that could crash the report server.
Other Changes
- When trying to access a page before logging in, you will now be redirected to that page after successfully authenticating.
- Entering invalid interest on the chain of title page will now disable the save button.
- Timesheet batch printing now requires at least 1 timesheet to be selected first instead of handing back an empty report.
- Added a small delay to the tooltip over "Remember Me" check box on the login page.
- Improved thumbnail generation process slightly (for plat images, company logos, etc).