LANDBOSS v1.10.5 Released
New Features
- Added a scale to maps.
- A lease's current status is now shown on the lease activity dashboard.
- Added the ability to change how some system expense billing codes show up in the UI.
- Added the ability to customize which parts of the ownership report will be included.
- Added several mail merge fields for lessee phone numbers.
- The ownership report can now be run for a single tract.
Errors Fixed
- The tract map page will now center on the current tract.
- Fixed an error where clients could not be found using the simple party search page.
- Hotfix (3/15/2010): fixed a problem with the expiring lease report returning bad data.
- Hotfix (3/15/2010): Fixed a problem where the lease "Parties & Tracts" page would show a notification for owners being added to the tract when none were actually added.
- Fixed spelled out currency mail merge fields to always display in hundredths.
- Fixed the ability to clear apparent heir information on ownership page.
- Made date format on timesheet entry window to be consistent with other date input fields.
- Fixed an issue where certain tracts could not be moved between prospects.
- Fixed an error where owners could be set as apparent heir to themselves.
- Fixed a small problem where deleting an ownership note would cause the record pointer to disappear.
- Fixed a problem where the chain of title page would display the new party's ID after saving a tract instrument with an auto-created party.
- Fixed a small text problem with chain of title filters.
Other Changes
- Made minor improvements to the "Entire Section?" check box when entering in S-T-R legal description information for tracts.
- Improved map tool tips slightly.
- Added a few tool tips to check boxes.
- Filing info on the lease overview page will no longer show blank rows.
- Inactive activity/billing codes are now labeled as such in legends.
- The progress bar on the "Generate Lease Package" page should now be more user-friendly.
- The prospect dashboard will now show a county map if no tract shapes exist for the prospect.