We're excited to announce that this release includes our mapping switch to Esri's ArcGIS Server!
New Features
- The party attorney field is now a link to another party instead of just textbox.
- Added a loading mask to the prospect access grid on the create prospect page so that if the grid doesn't appear broken when it doesn't instantly populate.
- Increased precision of time and quantity fields on the timesheet entry and invoice to accommodate 15 minute increments.
- Switched the mapping service over to Esri's ArcGIS Server.
Errors Fixed
-- Corrected issue with the lessor fields on the lease info page that would sometimes replace the first character typed in.
- The review time window now works correctly in IE7.
- Corrected issue with the advanced party search fields that could sometimes cause the new party will be created message to be shown even when that wasn't the case.
- The new generate secure password feature now works correctly.
- Corrected issue with the daily by activity invoice format that was causing mileage to not be billed correctly sometimes.
- Corrected issue with not being able to edit the details of a grantor or grantee on the chain-of-title page in certain instances.
Other Changes
- Updated party merge feature to handle recent changes to parties.