This weeks release includes several fixes and features, one of which gives the user the ability to enter their time from any screen in Landboss!
New Features
- Changed the party spouse field from a string to a link to another party.
- An associated billing code is now required for activity codes.
- Removed default date range from the review time page.
- Changed scaling on receipt report so large images are no longer cut off.
- Added employee/staff payroll number to the payroll report.
- Added contractor name, prospect, and submit date to receipt report.
- Added an enter time link to the current user bar so that time entries can now be made from any screen in the application.
- Added the prospect name to the view invoice page.
- Added the name of the prospect contact to the view invoice page.
Errors Fixed
- The section box on the S-T-R search window now works properly.
- Reset button on timesheet search page now correctly resets the reviewed filter radio buttons.
- Corrected issue that was allowing the edit entry window to allow an entry to be saved outside of the date range of a timesheet when using the edit timesheet page.
- Corrected issue with invoice generation when there was not a bill rate.
- Corrected issue on lease info page that was sometimes causing the leave page confirmation to be unnecessarily displayed.
- Corrected issue with editing details of a new party on the tract ownership page.
- Corrected issue with logic that determined the review status of a timesheet entry which was causing problems on the timesheet search page and others.
- Corrected issue with the time review page that was sometimes causing the filters to not be applied correctly when the page loaded.
- Corrected issue with the invoice coversheet report that was causing an error when an invoice had line items that didn't have a billing code.
- Corrected issue with invoice csv export that was causing an error when an invoice had line items that didn't have a billing code.