Several long awaited features were added in this release, such as party deletion, the capability to merge individuals and companies, and help documentation.
New Features
- Added the ability to delete Parties that are not being used by a Tract, Lease, or other Party.
- Added a Delete Sample Link to the Administration page that will delete all unmodified pre-loaded sample data.
- It is now possible to merge Individuals and Companies.
- Added a new Help page with several Quick Start guides and more documentation to come. Access the new page by clicking the Help link at the top right by your username.
- Added a new Acquisition Summary Report. Modified the home page to only show unread notifications.
- The Section combo box on the Ownership Report landing page and popup window is now sorted.
Errors Fixed
- Corrected issue that made it possible to sometimes create duplicate timesheets.
- The Add Entry button on the Edit Timesheet screen now works correctly.v
- Corrected issue with duplicate tract number check when creating new tracts.
- Corrected issue with the more link that is displayed for long text on the Lease Overview screen.
- Corrected a rare issue when creating lease offers.
- Corrected issue with header disappearing on Tract Ownership screen.
- Corrected issue that was preventing the Contact Person for a Prospect from being removed.
- Corrected issue with Acquisition Status Report not formatting some decimal numbers correctly.
- Made several changes to error message popups that were causing incomprehensible text to be displayed in some instances.
- Corrected some issues with the new Save & Add Another button on the Tract Ownership screen.
- Corrected an issue with the detailed Timesheet Audit report.
- Corrected a rare issue on the Tract Search screen.
- Made the Party Merge Preview window a little more user friendly.