Besides making few small changes and correcting some minor issues, we revamped the search screens in this release and added some new permissions.
New Features
- Replaced the single STR search field on the Tract Search screen with 3 separate fields that will allow searching for partial STR values; for instance, all sections in a certain township.
- Added a second QuickBooks Invoice Template that will be used for lease invoices; the existing field will now only be used for work invoices. The prospect name will now appear on the printed map.
- Added 3 new permissions to control access to the client rates screens, prospect rates screens, and user rates screens which creates the possibility of a role that allows a user to administer those objects but not their rates.
- Added a View Prospect Outline permission to control whether or not a user can see the prospect outline on the interactive map.
- Increased the grid size on the Enter Time screen from 10 rows to 25 rows.
- Added the lease code to the grid on the Lease Search screen.
- Added the lease code to the grid on the Tract Leases screen, Party Leases screen, and Make Lease Forms screen.
- Added ability to search for tracts and leases by acreage.
Errors Fixed
- Corrected sorting issue on Time Review screen.
- Searching for a lease by lessor is now working correctly.
- Corrected some issues with the new rate caching that was sometimes causing contractor bill and pay rates to be calculated to $0.
Other Changes
- Revamped the search screens; rarely used search filters are hidden until toggled by the user, and the search result grids no longer use paging.
- Increased the document size limit to 100mb.