LANDBOSS v1.28.2 Released

Basic leasehold ownership tracking is the premier feature of this release; however, we also added sorting options to some of our reports and will be adding more in the future!

New Features

  • Added basic leasehold ownership tracking for leases and added a section to the ownership report to list it.
  • Added tract labels to the lease csv export.
  • Added total expenses, labor, and deductions on the payroll report.
  • Added sorting options to the Expiring Lease report.
  • Owners are now sorted alphabetically on tract details section of ownership report.
  • Added sorting options to the Acquisition Status report.
  • Added sorting options to the Open Leasehold report.
  • It is now possible to run expense sheet reports with either bill rates or pay rates from the Expense Sheet Report landing page in the reports section (was bill rates only).

Errors Fixed

  • Corrected issue that would sometimes allow the sketch shape tool to be 'stuck' on until a screen refresh.
  • Corrected issue with new shapefile export method that was breaking the export when a large number of tracts were being exported.
  • Corrected issue that would cause an ownership report note to be removed from the screen, but not from the database, when cancelling the edit of that note.
  • Corrected some IE10 specific issues when creating leases.
  • Added paging to the grid on the Add Existing Tracts window on the Lease Parties & Tracts screen.
  • Corrected issue preventing the removal of the prospect contact person.
  • Corrected some projection issues with the new shapefile export method.
  • Corrected rare issue that was causing an unauthorized access error to be generated during prospect creation.
  • Corrected validation on the create lease screen so it is no longer possible to attempt to save a lease without tracts added.
  • The wording that is used in the header and elsewhere is now correct when creating and existing lease (was using the create lease offer wording).
  • The aggregated tract segment legal description will no longer have an unnecessary 'and' when there are more than one tract segment without legal descriptions defined.
  • Made some optimizations to the search screens to help reduce occasional long wait periods in IE.
  • Corrected uncommon issue with the Expense Sheet report that was sometimes causing the additional expenses to not be displayed.
  • Updated the Lease Rental screen so that the automatic calculations and field order is more logical.