Among the new features in this release is a new read-only API,some additional lease form types, and contractor access to past paystubs.
New Features
- Added a read-only API that can be used to access parties, tracts, and leases. For more info, refer to the help documentation.
- Users can now delete ownership check records even if they don't have the associated management permission as long as the record was created by them in the last 5 days.
- Contractors can now access view their own past paystubs.
- Updated the lease activity report to not also include past activity entries for leases that have activity entries in the specified date range.
- Renamed the Offer Letter lease form to Letter and added options for 1099, Exhibit, and Report Form.
- Paychecks are now called paystubs for clarity.
- Separated ORRI from WI column on leasehold section of OR.
- Added a Curative Ownership Note type.
Errors Fixed
- Corrected issue with the lease status combo box sometimes not listing user added statuses.
- Corrected issue with the lifetime rental amount on the lease rental screen not being displayed.
- Corrected issue that was causing the total bonus to not be saved when it didn't match the result of the bonus per acre multiplied by leased acres.
- Corrected issue that was preventing the state and county to removed from the lease filing info.
- Newer versions of Firefox will no longer incorrectly trigger the incompatible browser warning on the home page.
- Corrected issue that occurred when the Owner Summary Report was ran by a user that didn't have access to all prospects.
- Updated client view and edit screens to show the party notes.
- Notifications for upcoming bonus payments that have been marked paid will not longer be sent.
- Corrected an issue with the ownership report notes on the OR that appeared when printing the report for multiple tracts.
- Optimized outstanding time screen so the grid loads more quickly when there are lots of un-invoiced timesheet entries.
- It is no longer possible to delete ALL of the roles in the application; at least one role must exist at all times.
- Corrected issue that prevented new prospect creation when tabbing through the form.
Other Changes
- It is no longer possible to delete records from the search page.